Process for becoming our Ambassador.
Send an email to with following information.
- Full Name.
- Full Address including Country of residence.
- Email address that can be verified.
- Your mobile number.
- Link to website & social media accounts (optional).
Once we receive your email:
- Our Board will review your request and once approved, you will be issued a unique code.
- This code will be exclusive to you.
- You can distribute the code within your network, put it on your website, give to your friends or send via email to others.
- All you have to do is encourage your contacts to visit the site and use your code when buying a Raffle ticket.
- Anyone buying a Raffle ticket and using your code will get 10 FREE tickets in addition to their regular tickets. This will increase their chances of winning one of the prizes being offered.
- You will get 20% of the raffle ticket price as your income, every time your code is used.
- You will be paid every quarter via bank transfer unless other arrangements have been made with SJOGF, in advance.